The InvenCaP ‘Inventory’ has now been published!
Dissenting Experience is pleased to announce its latest publication, An Inventory of Puritan and Dissenting Records, 1640-1714 (2016), compiled by Mark Burden, Michael Davies, Anne Dunan-Page and Joel Halcomb. The Inventory contains full bibliographical details of over 350 church books, account books, and register books belonging to Baptist, Congregational or Presbyterian churches during the later Stuart period. It also includes an ‘Introduction’, which examines important questions relating to the nomenclature and history of Puritan congregations. The Inventory is available to view via the Queen Mary Centre for Religion and Literature in English website: For further information about the scope of the project, please browse the ‘About InvenCaP‘ pages on the Dissenting Experience website.
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mburden (July 5, 2016). The InvenCaP ‘Inventory’ has now been published! Dissenting Experience. Retrieved February 10, 2025 from