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Author: Colin Harris


Lived Religion Visual Arts study day

Friday 4 December 2020, 2.00 to 4.30 pm GMT, via Zoom. The concept of ‘lived religion’ emerged within the French school of sociology in the 1930s when extensive enquiries were made into the state of French catholicism,...


The International John Bunyan Society: Glorious Sounds

Glorious Sounds: Exploring the Soundscapes of British Nonconformity: 1550-1800. Lipman Building (Room 121), Northumbria University, Newcastle, Thursday 16 April 2020. The conference is organised in association with University of Bedfordshire, Keele University, Loughborough University, Northumbria University and...

Church Life 0

New Book: Church Life

Pastors, Congregations, and the Experience of Dissent in Seventeenth-Century England Edited by Michael Davies, Anne Dunan-Page, and Joel Halcomb Considers the history and religious culture of seventeenth-century Dissent from the perspective of the kinds of ‘church life’ shaped and experienced...


Lecture: Archives of Dissent Family

Family, Memory, and the English Nonconformist Tradition at Dr Williams’s Library Friends of Dr Williams’s Library Annual Lecture 2019 Thursday 17th October 2019 5:30 pm–7:00 pm Admission free – Booking not required Family archives reveal the relationship...