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Author: mburden

Kristianna Polder – Matrimony in the True Church 0

Kristianna Polder – Matrimony in the True Church

Readers will be interested to learn of the following book published last year: Kristianna Polder, Matrimony in the True Church: The Seventeenth-Century Quaker Marriage Approbation Discipline (Routledge, 2015). Publisher’s note: ‘Like many other denominations, seventeenth-century Quakers were...

Mark Goldie – Roger Morrice and the Puritan Whigs 0

Mark Goldie – Roger Morrice and the Puritan Whigs

Mark Goldie’s monograph, adapted from his edition of the Entring Book of Roger Morrice (but with a new introduction and bibliography), will be an invaluable resource for scholars working on the Restoration period. Publisher’s note: ‘Roger Morrice and...

The History of Independence 0

The History of Independence

The Independence Project brings the history of independent freedom to the public by sharing insights from an international team of experts, featuring the earliest debates on the topic in the English-speaking world, and providing access to additional...