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Tagged: EMoDir


EMoDiR’s new Routledge series

The Research Group in Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism is launching its new series with Routlege,, a welcome addition on the publishing scence for all scholars working on early-modern dissenting history and literature. “Titles in...


CFP: 2019 RSA

Please find hereafter two CfP for the next Renaissance Society Association Conference (to be held in Toronto 17-19 March 2019). The deadline for the submission of proposals is 10 August 2018. Early Modern Anticlericalisms Call for papers for...

News of EMoDiR: CFP and upcoming events 0

News of EMoDiR: CFP and upcoming events

For those who are not members yet, here is some information from EMoDiR monthly newsletter: 15 February 2015 submission deadline for Religious Toleration in the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800): Historical Perspectives on Current Debates June 22nd & June 23rd,...

News from EMoDiR 0

News from EMoDiR

EMoDiR is advertising two events of interest for Dissenting Experience: 26-29 November 2014, Menaggio, workshop Villa Vigoni: ‘Les dissidences religieuses en Europe à l’époque moderne : des constructions en mouvement (liens, langages, objets)’ Org. Adelisa Malena, Sophie...

EMoDiR seminar 0

EMoDiR seminar

Tuesday 4th March, at the University of Verona, Helena Wangefelt Ström (University of Umeå) will speak on  ‘The petrifying eye of the beholder: Heritigisation of religion in Swedish 17th century travel journals’. The event is part of a series...